My New Podcast!

A bit of a belated post here, but since yesterday was a holiday, I hope you forgive me!

I spent the weekend away from home for a writer’s retreat. It was a lot of fun. I was there with fellow horror writers, Ryan Marie Ketterer and Bridget D. Brave.

We did writing sprints, played board games, watched horror short films on YouTube, and visited the uber haunted McPike House! It was awesome because I did feel like my writing was a bit of a chore lately and this spiced it up again!

But enough about me, let’s talk some more — about me! And my new podcast which I cohost with author Carson Winter: Dead Languages — A Horror Fiction Craft Podcast!

In this podcast, Carson and I chat about writing, challenges, tropes, imposter syndrome and more! Episode 0 is already out now, and ep 1 comes out tomorrow!

Check out the website here!

So check it out and send us some listener mail if you want! It’s been a lot of fun so far!


P.L. McMillan

To P.L. McMillan, every shadow is an entry way to a deeper look into the black heart of the world and every night she rides with the mocking and friendly ghouls on the night-wind, bringing back dark stories to share with those brave enough to read them.

Smile: Movie Review


Interview: Patrick Barb